Tax Sale Results

Serving Tax Sales Investors Since 2005

Central Manitoulin

Waterfront (0.71 Acres), Carter's Bay

Minimum Tender Amount: $7,343.78

File Number: MNCM19-19

Minimum Tender Amount:
Assessed Value:
Highest Valid Tender: 8 tenders, sold for $37,500.00
Mncm19 19p | property photo | ontario tax sales
Aerial imagery supplied by Google.
There is 1 aerial photo of this property. The boundary may not line up exactly with the photo and it may not be a current representation of the structures (if any) as shown in the image. Photographs are for convenience only. Neither the municipality nor Ontario Tax Sales Inc. can guarantee their accuracy.

© OpenStreetMap contributors The arrow is pointing at the property


Municipal Address:Carter Bay

Legal Description:PCL 1200 SEC MANITOULIN; PT BROKEN LT 29 CON 19 CARNARVON PT 10 MR25; S/T CA1364; T/W FIRSTLY: PT 96, 97 MR20 AS IN LT2065 SECONDLY: PT 111 MR21 AS IN LT2065 THIRDLY: PT 186, 187 MR22 AS IN LT2065 FOURTHLY: PT 154, 155 MR23 AS IN LT2065 FIFTHLY: PT 109, 110 MR24 AS IN LT2065 SIXTHLY: PT 121 MR25 AS IN LT2065 SEVENTHLY: PT 74 TO 76, 164, 165 MR26 AS IN LT2065 EIGHTHLY: PT 173, 174 MR27 AS IN LT2065 NINTHLY: PT 113 MR33 AS IN LT2065 TENTHLY: PT 137 MR34 AS IN LT2065 ELEVENTHLY: PT 84 TO 88, 109 MR35 AS IN LT2065 TWELFTHLY: PT 50 MR37 AS IN LT2065 THIRTEENTHLY: PT 31, 32, 119, 120 MR38 AS IN LT2065 FOURTEENTHLY: PT 28 MR39 AS IN LT2065 FIFTEENTHLY: PT 67 MR36 AS IN LT2065; CENTRAL MANITOULIN

PIN:47115-1339 (LT)
 Roll Number: 51 04 020 003 81000 0000
 Property Size: 0. 71 acres
Assessed Value: Available in the InfoPak
Is the property on a lake or bay or river: Yes
Is the property accessible by a public or private road: Yes
Is there a house or cottage on the property: No
Zoning:PD-Planned Development
Is it possible to obtain a building permit: No
Comments: For further information regarding Zoning, contact: Manitoulin Planning Board:
Waterfront: Yes
Vacant land: Yes