Tax Sale Results
Serving Tax Sales Investors Since 2005
315 First Street West, Nipigon
File Number: 01

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The arrow is pointing at the property
Description of Lands:
315 First Street West, PT LT 14 CON 3 Nipigon as in TBR339178; S/T & T/W TBR339178; NIPIGON, being all of PIN 62469-0179 (LT) Township of Nipigon, District of Thunder Bay
According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the property is $28,500.00
Please be advised that property is subject to Federal liens if enforceable.
There is an MTO Order in Council designating the highway as controlled access.
Minimum Tender Amount: $ 10,843.71
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender:
Mr. Kelly Paakkunainen, CAO
807-887-3135 x223