Tax Sale Results
Serving Tax Sales Investors Since 2005
363 Station Rd., Emsdale
File Number: PSPY18-02
$ 84,000 (2020)
© OpenStreetMap contributors
Legal Description:FIRSTLY: PIN 52163-0130(LT); Parcel 4624 Section SS; FIRSTLY: Part Lot 17 Concession 8 Perry; SECONDLY Part Block A Plan M28 as in LT10702 except LT11288, LT12924, except Parts 1- 3 Plan 42R10462; excepting LT21081; Perry SECONDLY: PIN 52163-0129(LT); Parcel 3376 Section SS; Block A Plan M28; Part Lot 17 Concession 8 Perry, commencing at Ely corner Lot 18 Plan M 28. Thence SEly along production of line between Lots 17 & 18, 75 ft. to a point. Thence SWly parallel with Edgar St to the point where the production of the SWly boundary of Lot 18 if produced SEly would strike the same. Thence NWly along said production to the SW angle of Lot 18. Thence along Ely boundary of Lot 18 to the place of beginning; excepting ROW of the Trunk Rd; Perry THIRDLY: PIN 52163-0128(LT); Parcel 13001 Section SS; Lots 16-18 Plan M28; Perry FOURTHLY: PIN 52163-0127(LT); Parcel 24518 Section SS; Lot 19 Plan M28; Perry FIFTHLY: PIN 52163-0125(LT); Parcel 1913 Section SS; Part Lot 17 Concession 8 Perry as in LT6281; Perry SIXTHLY: PIN 52163-0124(LT); Parcel 1793 Section SS; Part Lot 17 Concession 8 Perry as in LT5844; Perry